
Showing posts from November, 2024

Workers - what can they do and what do they look like? Lets make a model in Go.

Today I want to talk about work in software. So naturally/unnaturally I gravitate towards ... orchestrators, for reasons that will become clear shortly. Borg and K8's come to mind. What do these have in common and what do they contain that makes them indispensable to modern computing. I think its the ability to make distributed systems so easy to deploy (K8s). Perhaps also that it hides much of the complexity of failures, and writing software to handle these cases. In my opinion what I love about them is the concept of work. It's the same reason I like the MapReduce system, and the concept of doing work as a whole resonates with me. No this isn't an AI assistant writing for me, I use the word resonate because I like that word. So in this post I will model a Worker, and what does that actually mean for the system, ie. What do Workers do?  Manager (M) , Workers (W) and KVstores (KV) are the system we will think about today. Lets start with the following:  Worker comes to work...